Acupuncture is a treatment which uses thin, metallic, solid needles that are then penetrated through the skin to stimulate certain points or meridians. It is known that the body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by meridians or pathways. The pathways in our body create an energy flow or Qi which is responsible for our overall health.
Disruption of the energy flow may cause various types of diseases, so by applying acupuncture to certain points, it will improve our health over time. This treatment is commonly conducted by a certified practitioner or acupuncturist.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Most people will feel minimal pain, or some will not even feel anything at all. The thin needles inserted by the practitioner may be heated during the treatment, or they may also use a mild electric current to amplify the effects to certain points.
Some people report that they feel energised after their treatment while others say that they feel more relaxed. However, improper placement of these needles may cause pain, so needles must be sterilised to prevent any type of infection. Most importantly, it must only be administered by a qualified acupuncturist.
How does acupuncture affect the body?
Acupuncture has been tested by several studies, and it’s believed to stimulate our central nervous system. Through this treatment, our body releases chemicals into our spinal cord, muscles, and brain. These natural chemicals will stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote emotional and physical well-being.
In fact, acupuncture, in combination with other conventional therapies, is known to treat the following:
- Addiction
- Dental pain after surgery
- Nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy
- Headaches
- Fibromyalgia
- Myofascial pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Low back pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Asthma
- It can also be used for stroke rehabilitation
- Snoring – learn more
Considerations when choosing acupuncture
Before you decide to undergo acupuncture treatment, it is essential to take precaution and discuss it with your doctor first. You must ask if any of your dietary supplements, over-the-counter medications, and prescriptions will interfere with the treatment or put you in unnecessary risk. You must also ask your doctor for a recommendation or whether acupuncture is right for your current health situation.
If you are allowed to undergo an acupuncture treatment, you should only choose a licensed acupuncture practitioner like Belinda Tran. Your own doctor may recommend or refer you to a qualified practitioner. You should also consider the costs and if there is any insurance coverage.
Before you begin any type of acupuncture treatment, you should ask the acupuncturist about the number of treatments required and the cost of each treatment. There are various types of medical insurance, and some insurers may cover the cost of your treatment while others may not. You need to ensure that your insurance will cover the costs of the treatment.
Overall, acupuncture is a viable treatment option that can alleviate the symptoms of known diseases, and it can also be used to boost our immune system. So, whether you’re looking for pain relief or relaxation, acupuncture may be just what you need to enhance your health and wellness.