Acupuncture may seem like an airy-fairy practice from ancient times but, while it has been used for thousands of years, it’s far from airy-fairy, and so am I! I quite enjoy surprising people with how down to earth I am, and explaining the health benefits of acupuncture in a way that makes practical sense.
I’m passionate about helping people achieve their health goals without having to rely solely on medication and other substances. Even though I’ve been doing this for 17 years (and counting), I’m constantly in awe of the body’s ability to heal itself. I love that every day I get to help people with their pain, stress, fatigue and other health issues.
I believe that when people are calm, relaxed as well as physically and emotionally stronger, they are in the best possible condition to tackle anything that life throws their way.
Over the years I have gravitated towards women’s health issues. This came about from my own experiences with infertility, and then pregnancy and childbirth. It really is such a beautiful time in a woman’s life, and there’s so much that acupuncture can do to nurture the body, strengthen it, and help everything go as smoothly and naturally as possible. I feel very privileged to not only help women through these phases of life, but to help them feel in control of their health and be their best self.
I also enjoy working with women to manage the ageing process (physically and mentally) in a natural and graceful way.
As a busy mum of two, and a self-employed businesswoman, I understand how hectic life can be and how hard it is to look after yourself. But if you don’t look after yourself, how can you be on top of your game, be there for the kids, and enjoy life to the fullest? I know this is what most women strive for, so I really hope I get to be part of your self-care regime that keeps you living YOUR best life!
BTW if you’re still worried that it’s all a bit “woo woo”, it may reassure you to know I’m a qualified Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist with a Bachelor of Health Science in Chinese Medicine. I’m an Accredited Member of the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) and I’m registered with the Australian Health Provider Regulation Agency (AHPRA). This means you’ll receive the highest and safest levels of service with the best possible results.
I arrived early at the clinic. Not out of obligation, but because this time of morning allowed me the unhurried serenity to move from room to room, warming the treatment beds and towels, lighting candles and preparing tea, replenishing the water for the fresh flowers and queuing my favourite playlist ahead of my first patient’s arrival.
I caught sight of her treading gingerly up the front steps. If I could wish for just one thing, it would be that my patients would see me sooner, rather than later. I could almost predict the upcoming conversation, word for word.
“I’ve tried everything - nothing works.”
“I’m in so much pain”
“I can fix the problem for a while, but it always comes back.”
“Does acupuncture really work? For this?”
But my favourite part is always:
“You’re different to what I expected. You’re not…well, you know… a hippy.”
Hi, I’m Belinda Tran, founder and director of Belinda Tran Acupuncture. I help busy women in the prime of their life resolve menstrual health, fertility issues, pregnancy complaints, menopausal symptoms and prepare for labour. My safe, drug-free and highly effective cosmetic acupuncture is available to women who want to look and feel their very best too.
And no, I’m not a hippy.
In fact, I’m a fully qualified Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist with a Bachelor of Health Science in Chinese Medicine. I’m an Accredited Member of the Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) and I’m registered with the Australian Health Provider Regulation Agency (AHPRA). This means you’ll receive the highest and safest levels of service with the best possible results.
Some might have you believing acupuncture treatments are a whole lot of woo-woo. I get it - it’s human nature to want answers to something that’s difficult to see or measure. And it can be challenging to accept that a natural, drug-free alternative does work.
Acupuncture uses our body’s energy, Chi, to fight disease and get us back to feeling ourselves. Balanced. Centred. Healthy. In flow. How we felt before we had to stop playing our favourite sport; before we realised how uptight and irritable we felt at work after managing pain, discomfort or stress each day.
As for the woman who shuffled up my front steps? I struggled to get her back to her car– but not for reasons you’d expect. There she stood - and stayed – amazed with the range of movement she had compared with just one hour earlier.
Nothing beats seeing the joy on client’s faces after they’ve realised they can perform everyday activities without grimacing or groaning.
I love watching clients float out of treatments, amazed that something involving needles could leave them feeling on cloud nine.
I’ve experienced the joy of clients telling me they’re going to have a baby, after years of trying to conceive and hold a pregnancy.
Like the conversations that unfold with every new client I welcome to our clinic, these are the results I’ve come to expect. And there’s nothing woo-woo about that. Just a whole lot of wow.